Tag Archives: innovative

Treehouse in the Office

13 Dec

Is your boss likely to splurge on a big ticket item for your office? Maybe you should let him read this. Red Frog Events’ CEO invested over $100,000 in a treehouse as an addition to his employees’ work space. He calls Camp Red Frog, the new name for their Chicago office,  one of his “best investments.”

Some of the benefits that can be linked to the addition of Camp Red Frog:

Creative environments encourage recruitment and retention of creative talent…a LOT of it. After attending career fairs to scout out talent, Red Frog is never disappointed. “2,000 resumes a month” come in after job seekers find out about the perks of Camp Red Frog!

Happier employees lead to higher creativity. Employees can play arcade games to take a break, let their ideas marinate over a drink at the company bar, or brainstorm in the tree house.

Remember the best “Ah hah!” ideas usually strike while you’re away from your cubicle.

Employees feel appreciated. Employees dedicate the majority of their time at work, investing in a comfortable workplace shows they are valued by those at the top. No one wants to feel like they can be replaced by a machine that just shows up to crank out work.

Red Frog Events take on company culture attracted a lot of talent and media. It will be interesting to see in the following year how many more companies start taking a similar company culture approach.

Tell Us! What are somethings that would make your work place more productive and/or increase employee satisfaction?